get a feel for the tone of the piece (the diction and imagery will show this)
look for a speaker (who is it? what’s their perspective?) (why this choice?)
look for a shift (in tone, in narrative, in theme) (does it lead to juxtaposition?)
look for format/structure (stanzas, rhyme scheme, punctuation, anything that stands out ) - is more of the poem dedicated to one idea/tone/theme than another idea/tone/theme?
look for a repeated image/theme/motif (like nature for example) and words
look for other literary devices and what they are meant to emphasis
look for sounds and what tone they are meant to create
look for caesura ( pauses in the line) (emphasizing something before or after)
look at some of those to make a generalization about the poet's style - why was this particular style chosen?what does it add/ contribute?
look for archetypes - you know human year is in there
look for allusions and what they contribute to the theme/tone/character
Are there some symbols present? Is there a commonality to the symbols? or are there intentional opposites? ( juxtaposition?)
are there 2 things/people/images that are meant to be compared or juxtaposed (character foils?)
Is there a person, symbol or image that you are meant to see differently by the end of the poem? (does it/ do they undergo a change?) (a shift?)