1. Draw a line in pencil approximately 2cm from the bottom of your chromatography paper
2. Draw a cross, in pencil on the line to mark the start point of the colour (repeat for as many colours as you want to test)
3. Draw a dot on top of the cross in the test sample of your choice (repeat for the different samples)
4. Place the bottom of the paper into a beaker with a small amount of water. Ensuring that the water does not go above the pencil line
5. Leave the paper in the beaker to allow the water to travel up the paper
6. When the water reaches the top of the paper remove from the beaker and carefully add a pencil line to show where the water has travelled to this is the Solvent Front (the distance traveled by the solvent)
7. Work out R, values for each of the colours you have used (R, distance travelled by solute/distance travelled by solvent)