Profit margins

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Cards (9)

  • Gross Profit Margin (GPM)

    Measures gross profit as a percentage of revenue
  • Calculating Gross Profit Margin
    Gross Profit / Revenue x 100
  • Improving GPM
    Increasing prices or reducing the direct cost of sales
  • Calculating Operating Profit Margin
    Operating Profit / Revenue x 100
  • Improving OPM
    Increasing prices or reducing the cost of sales or operating expenses
  • Profit for the Year (Net Profit) Margin
    Measures the profit for the year as a percentage of revenue
  • Calculating Profit for the Year Margin
    Profit for the Year / Revenue x 100
  • Profit for the Year Margin
    • Takes into account most expenses (apart from tax) so gives the best overall impression of how profitable a business is
    • A high profit for the year margin is attractive to shareholders, because it can indicate that they may receive high dividends