c1 - atomic structure

Cards (12)

  • crystallisation, separate solutions into solutes and solvents
  • What is the process of crystallisation?
    mixture is heated until the solvent evaporates
  • What does chromatography separate?
    separate solutions with multiple solutes in the solvent
  • How does chromatography work?
    different solvents move a different at different speeds so they separate on the paper
  • Filtration separates mixtures that contain in soluble solids and liquids
  • Infiltration insoluble solids are trapped by filter paper liquid is collected below
  • Fractional distillation separates lots of liquids with different boiling points
  • In fractional distillation, different fractions, condensed and are collected at different temperatures
  • What is atomic number?
    The number of protons in an element
  • What is the mass number of an element?
    The protons and neutrons added together
  • Isotopes are atoms is the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  • In an atom, the closer shell is to the nucleus the lower its energy level