c2 - electricity

Cards (30)

  • in a series circuit :
    • current is the same throughout
    • voltage is shared between components
    • resistance is the sum of each components resistance
  • in a parallel circuit :
    • current is the sum of the current through each branch
    • voltage is the same throughout
  • how does a thermistor function?
    as temperature increases, the resistance decreases
  • the national grid is a network of transformers and cables distributing electricity to consumers
  • transformers increase or decrease the potential difference of a current
  • how does a light dependent resistor function?
    resistance decreases as light intensity increases
  • what is a diodes function?
    it allows current to flow in one direction
  • what is a variable resistor?
    it can change resistance
  • step up transformers increase voltage, decrease current (decreases the energy lost through heating the wire.)
  • the neutral wire carries electricity back to the mains
  • the earth wire transfers any excess energy to the ground instead of the person
  • the earth wire is yellow and green
  • the neutral wire is blue
  • the live wire is brown
  • the live wire provides the appliance with a current
  • direct current only flows in one direction
  • alternating current constantly changes direction
  • current is the flow of electrons
  • An electrical insulator doesn’t allow electric current to pass through it
  • Voltage = current x resistance
  • An ammeter measures the amount of current that flows through a circuit
  • A voltmeter measures voltage across components or circuits.
  • What is resistance a measure of?
    how difficult it is for current to flow through a circuit
  • Power = current x voltage
  • Energy = power x time
  • when changes of state occur, the temperature remains the same. Energy is being used to break bonds instead of increasing the temperature
  • The amount of energy in an objects internal energy store is the sum of the kinetic and chemical stores of the objects particles
  • Specific heat capacity is the energy required to increase the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 ℃
  • What is specific latent heat?
    the energy required to change the state of a substance without raising its temperature
  • Energy = mass x specific latent heat