Safe Working Practices

Cards (11)

  • What is meant by the terms safe working practices
    A set of guidelines an employer may produce as a part of an overall health and saftery management system 
  • What are the 2 things employees should be trained on
    Safe use of work machinery/equipment
    How to safely carry out any process part of their job
  • What is a regular maintenance programme
    When parts are inspected for wear, blades are replaced as required and items such as bearings/gears are lubricated   
  • What do infra red beams and Micro-switches do
    Immediately stop the machine if the beam is broken/switch is enabled 
  • What are guards
    Things to cover the dangerois parts of machinery
    E.g blade covers, quadrant guards
  • How often are extraction systems maintained and by who
    12-14 month schedule by an external company
  • What do extraction systems do

    Extract any hazardous fumes such as timber dust or welding fumes
    Prevent employees for any potentially hazardous airborne particles
  • What does PPE stand for in terms of health and safety 
    Personal protective equipment
  • What are some examples of personal protective equipment

    Eye protection
    Dust masks
    High visibility clothing
    Safety footwear
    Respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
  • How and to whom are accident reported and recorded
    To the HSE via RIDDOR
  • What does RIDDOR stand for

    Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013