
Cards (6)

  • Osmosis
    The movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration
  • Partially permeable membrane - Very small holes that only allow tiny molecules like water to pass through, but not larger molecules like sucrose
  • Dependent variable is the chip mass, independent variable is the concentration of the sugar solution
  • All other variables (volume of solution, temperature, time, type of sugar used, etc.) must be kept the same to make it a fair test
  • Errors may arise from:
    not fully drying potato cylinders, excess water would cause higher mass
    if water evaporated from beakers, concentrations of sugar solutions would change
  • the effect of sugar solutions on plant tissue:
    1. cut up a potato into identical cyclinders, put them into beakers with different sugar solutions. One pure water, one very concentrated sugar solution and a few others inbetween
    2. measure the mass of the cyclinders leave one cyclinder in each beaker
    3. dry them with a paper towel measure their masses again
    4. if water has been drawn out, theyll have decreased in mass. if drawn in water by osmosis, theyll have increased in mass