
Cards (14)

  • What is globalisation?
    The process of the worlds systems becoming more interdependent and interconnected
  • What are the key drivers to globalisation?
    Cultural exchange
    Investments from MNCs
  • An example of trade within the UK
    We export high value goods e.g cars and import lower value goods e.g chocolate
  • An example of transport within the UK
    London has 5 international airports with Heathrow being the busiest with 1400 flights daily
    Also we have access to technology and and internet allowing us to talk globally
  • What is an example of Geo - political links within the UK
    The UK is a member of G7 which is a group of 7 HICs which meet annually to discuss global trade
  • What is an example of Multi - cultural communities within the UK
    The Uk is considered a melting pot as its a home to a large number of migrants from all over the world
  • What is an example of Migration in the UK
    The UK receives a large number of skilled and unskilled migrants from across the globe, especially due to those from the EU
  • What is an example of an MNC locating in the UK
    Many british MNCs locate abroad e.g BT in india
  • What do HICs, NICs and LICs export?
    HICs - export high value good e.g cars and chemicals
    NICs - export machinery, clothes and other manufactured goods
    LICs - export low value raw materials e.g coffee, tea and tobacco
  • What are the factors that drive MNCs to locate in a country?
    Has a coastline for importing and exporting
    Skilled labour/ cheap labour force
    Government policies/ incentives offering tax breaks
    Natural resources e.g oil
  • Which factors can affect how developed a country is?
    Climate - if a country has a poor climate, not much will grow. This reduces the amount of food produced leading to malnutrition
    Education - more skilled workforce, country can offer more goods and services which brings money into the country through trade
    Health - ill people can't work so less money to the economy
    Topography (shape of the land) - if the land is too steep, it won't produce a lot of food. Its also difficult to build infrastructure
  • What's an example of a country with inequality?
    Malawi (LIC)
  • Why is Malawi inequal?
    Landlocked - no coastline so no ports to trade, all exports and imports come in a railway track which is slow and expensive
    Population - 80% are rural as they work as farmers
  • Gahna experiences a north south divide, what is it like in the north compared to the south?
    In the north, rainfall is unreliable and farming is more difficult, incomes are also half the levels in the south
    In the south - urban areas have experienced economic growth because of improved transport and access to the sea, they also have long wet seasons so farmers can grow cash crops such as cocoa