Booklet 2

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Cards (25)

  • 1920-Hitler made the
    25 point programme
  • hitters rise was due to his
    party policy-25point program
    Personal appeal
    Part organisation
    party leadership
    Use of SA
  • Munich putsch
  • causes of munich putsch
    Strong opposition to T of V
    the party grew in popularity
  • By 1923 the NSDAP had ………….. members
  • Why did the Munich putsch fail
    -hitler underestimated the number of supporters
    -Nazi party had 50,000 only 3000 was prepared
    -tricked by khar
  • by 1930 the SA had
    40,000 members
  • Set up SS s

    smaller group hand picked by hitler and who he trusted to protect him. by 1930 the SS had 3000 and wore black shirts
  • bamberg conference 

  • Bamberg conference
    spoke for 5 hours making views clear
    hitler gained a clear and total control of nazi party
    the socialist principles were weakened
    he now had freedom to introduce new policies
  • Why did they lack support between 1924-29
    As economy was improving the German people did not need the nazi and we’re happy with the weimar gov
    Stressemen showed Germany could be strong again with the Locarno act and becoming members in the League of Nations, therefore the nazi belief of making Germany great again weren’t needed.
    In 1925 hidenburg became president and he was an ex general and so was seen as a better leader than Hitler
    Nazi part only won 12 seats in 1928 election
  • Wall Street crash
    October 1929
  • black Thursday
    24th oct
  • falling
    falling shares meant that value of people investments fell. people worried about losing money so rushed to sell their shares before their values dropped any further.
    she worth $20,000 for now worth $1000
    the German civil servant bank went Bust in 1929 unemployment rise to 6.1 million in 1933
  • Why did more Germans support nazi party after 1929
    The appeal of Hitler and SA Many were fed up with the inconsistency of the Weimar government as they failed to resolve economic problems following Wall Street crash 1929
    Propaganda-lots of posters portraying him as a strong leader travelled on planes and did lots of speeches.
    Wealthy people supported him and financed the party.Eg bosch
  • Who supported the Nazi party
    Business men - afraid of communist revolt and the party promised to protect their business.
    Some working class-promised work and bread�
    The middle classes- many lost savings so saw Hitler as a string keader
    Farmers-scared if the communism as their land will be taken away and also Hitler stated private land only confiscated from Jews. in the 1930s the nazis gained 60% of votes in rural areas
  • Bruning
    Leader of SPD who lost popularity by 1932 due to lowering unemployment benefit and raising taxes
  • Hindenburg
    Needed a chancellor with support, replaced Bruning with von Papen
  • Von Papen
    Leader of centre party, inexperienced and unpopular, lost support from 62 to 32 out of 513 members
  • Nazi Party

    Increased in popularity at the same time
  • How Hitler became chancellor
    1. In July 1932, Hitler demanded to become chancellor but was declined due to SA being thought too violent
    2. In Nov 1932, another election saw Nazi party go down by 196 seats but so did von Papen
    3. Hindenburg and von Papen decided to make Hitler chancellor for his support and then replace him later
    4. On 30th of Jan 1933, Hitler became chancellor

  • long term bitterness T of V
    Ineffective constitution- article 48
    Money-funded by Bosch
    Programme-25 point
    Personal qualities- 5 hours in bamberg 1926
    Attacks on other parties SA
    Propaganda portrayed as a saviour and the opponents as weak and evil
    Economic depression 1929 Wall Street crash
    recruited by hidenburg