Structure Of Plants

Cards (5)

  • How xylem is adapted for transportation
    1. Xylem vessels have thick cellulose cell walls, strengthened by lignin
    2. The inside of the xylem cell is hollow
    3. Xylem vessels are dead cells
    4. The thick walls help support plants
    5. Water and minerals travel in xylem vessels in one direction, from roots to shoots and leaves
  • How phloem is adapted for transportation
    1. Phloem is made of columns of living cells
    2. They transport food, in the form of sugars
    3. Phloem cells are also called sieve tubes, joined by small holes in the cell wall at the end of each cell, forming a continuous system
    4. The end cell walls are called sieve plates
    5. Sugars are carried from the leaves to the growing and storage parts of the plants, in both directions
  • Differences between xylem and phloem
    • Xylem - Dead cells, transport water and minerals from roots to shoots and leaves, one-way transport
    • Phloem - Living cells, transport sugars and amino acids in both directions, up and down the stem to growing and storage tissues
  • What is a turgid cell?
    A turgid cell is a plant cell that has a swollen vacuole and is firm due to the absorption of water.
  • What is a flaccid cell?
    A flaccid cell is a plant cell that lacks turgor pressure due to a loss of water. The vacuole shrinks and the cell loses its shape