Nutrients and Minerals

Cards (5)

  • Mineral uptake in plants
    1. Specific minerals from the soil enter through channels in the cell walls of the root hair cells
    2. The minerals then travel around the plant in the xylem vessels
    • Plants may take up some minerals in the soil but not others
    • It is important that plants select which minerals to transport
  • Minerals needed by plants
    • Nitrogen - used to make amino acids and proteins
    • Magnesium - used to make chlorophyll
    • Phosphates - used to make DNA
  • Cells that transport nutrients in plants
    • Phloem - transport sugars produced in the leaves up and down the stem to growing and storage tissues
    • Xylem - transport water and minerals up the stem from the roots to the shoots and leaves
  • Why is it important for plants to get nitrogen?
    • Protein synthesis - proteins come from amino acids
    • Nitrogen is used to make amino acids
    • Plants take in most nitrogen from soil (nitrates)