Transportation of levodopa
1. Levodopa is absorbed from the small intestine via a large NAA active transporter & therefore competes with dietary proteins for absorption
2. A similar transport system transfers levodopa across the BBB
3. Levodopa is extensively decarboxylated to DA in peripheral tissues - gut wall, liver, kidney
4. This reduces the amount of levodopa that reaches the brain to about 1% of an oral dose, while the peripheral DA that is generated, produces unwanted effects
5. To minimise peripheral metabolism, concomitant with DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor (carbidopa & benserazide), do not cross the BBB
6. hence, it has no effect on the required conversion of levodopa to DA by DOPA decarboxylase in CNS
7. Inhibition of the peripheral metabolism of levodopa increases the amount that crosses the BBB up to 5–10% of oral dose