only 35% of working-class students gain 5 or more GCSEs but 75% of middle class students pass
only 13% of students on free school meals got into universities in 2009
7% of the population attend private schools and yet a disproportionate number carry on to gain high status, highly paid jobs
middle-class people are 7x more likely to go to university than working-class students.
Which sociologist give internal reasonings to why there is a social inequality within education?
Becker -- positive labelling of middle class students
Ball -- labelling wc and putting them in bottom sets
many teachers viewed middle-class students as the “ideal students” and as a result were labelled positively. Teachers expected middle-class students to have more positive attitudes towards school, to be more intelligent and to be generally well-behaved in lessons.
In contrast, the teachers had negative labels for working-class children assuming they were lazy, disruptive and lacked intelligence. — leading to SFP
Which sociologist claimed that teachers labelled MC students positively and labelled WC students negatively leading to self full-filling prophecies?
Labelling caused working-class children to be put in bottom sets. This was because teachers assumed their intelligence. This resulted in minimising their chances of getting the highest grades — foundation papers
Which sociologist claimed that labelling caused the working class to not be able to get higher grades -- setting?
Which sociologist give external reasonings to why there is a social inequality within education?
Bourdieu -- cultural capital helps with school
Bull -- material deprivation
Leech & Campos -- mc family move to areas with better schools
Bernstein -- mc students speak in "elaborated code" - wc speak in "restricted code"
middle-class children were advantaged due to their parents passing on knowledge (cultural capital)
Which sociologist claimed that a reason for the social inequality in education was due to cultural capital?
working-class students lack money to pay for resources such as textbooks, trips etc. This affects their achievements. Material deprivation
Which sociologist claimed a reason for social inequality within education was material deprivation?
Leech & Campos added to Bulls point
stating that middle-class families were able to move to expensive areas where the best schools were (economic capital)
middle-class students speak in an “elaborated code” which means speaking in a more complex language which meant they are more comfortable understanding teachers and exam questions compared to working-class students who speak in a “restricted codes” which lack complex language and used slang
Which sociologist claims that the reason for differences in education is due to the different ways mc and wc students are socialised to speak?
Name every sociologist that gives a reasoning for social inequality within the education system:?
Leech & Campos
only 35% of working-class students gain 5 or more GCSEs but 75% of middle class students pass
only 13% of students on free school meals got into universities in 2009
7% of the population attend private schools and yet a disproportionate number carry on to gain high status, highly paid jobs
middle-class people are 7x more likely to go to university than working-class students.