Cards (13)

    • Only 1% of prisoners come from class 1 and 14% come from classes 1 — 1 & 2 combined
    • 5% of the population is unemployed whereas 67% of prisoners were unemployed before prison
    • 15% of the population have no qualifications but 53% of male and 71% of female prisoners have no qualifications
    • The working class are more likely to be victims of crime + fear it
  • Who are the 5 studies that give reasons for why there is a social inequality within crime?
    1. Lea & Young -- the WC are more likely to be victims of burglary
    2. Merton -- efforts to achieve "culturally defined goals"
    3. Miller -- WC join subcultures out of boredom
    4. Cohen -- "status frustration"
    5. Sutherland -- criminal justice system ignores white-collar crime
  • Lea & Young
    • Calculated that unskilled workers are twice as likely to be burgled as other working-class members. This is because the poorer the area the higher the rates of burglary and assault due to problems associated with social deprivation.
  • Which sociologists found that poorer areas had higher rates of burglary and assault?
    Lea & Young
  • Merton
    • Claims that individuals in society are trying to achieve the “culturally defined goals” — eg a good job, a nice house, holidays etc. However when people can't achieve these goals they experience “strain” — and turn to a life of crime to achieve the goals within their means. Merton argues that this is clear in the working class.
  • Which sociologist stated the reason for the social inequality within crime was because of "culturally defined goals" not being able to be achieved causing strain -- leading to crime to achieve goals?
  • Miller
    • Working-class males join subcultures out of boredom --> can lead them to take part in deviant activities. But because the working-class males are already cut off from society they are happy to break society’s norms
  • Which sociologist found that the working class joined subcultures out of boredom but these subcultures led them to take part in deviant activities?
  • Cohen added to Miller's reason stating --> that young working-class boys experience status frustration when they do not gain respect from adults in society and, therefore, join deviant subcultures to gain status and respect from peers
  • Which sociologist added to Miller's reasoning behind the social divide within crime, mentioning status frustration led young boys to want to gain status in other ways?
  • Sutherland
    • there is a consistent bias in the administration of criminal justice that ignores white-collar crime and focuses on crimes of the poor.
  • Marxists argue that the legal system is biased towards the MC, this class commits as much crime as the WC but these crimes tend to be white collar crimes — adds that the justice system is MC so do not sentence white collar crimes as harshly
  • Which sociologist mentioned that there was a bias in the administration of criminal justice?