Cards (5)

    + D = Distal Tubule
    + G = Glomerulus
    + MD = Macula Densa
    + AA = Afferent Arterioles
    + JG = Juxtaglomerular Granule Cell
    + L = Lacis Cell
    + EA = Efferent Arteriole
    + P = Proximal Tubule
    + US = Urinary Space
    + D = Distal Tubule
    + G = Glomerulus
    + MD = Macula Densa
    + AA = Afferent Arterioles
    + JG = Juxtaglomerular Granule Cell
    + L = Lacis Cell
    + EA = Efferent Arteriole
    + P = Proximal Tubule
    + US = Urinary Space
    A) Distal Convoluted Tubules
    B) Glomerular cappilaries
    C) Glomerular Artelior
    D) Juxtaglomerular Cell
    E) Macula Densa
    F) Proximal Convoluted Tubule
    G) Venule
    H) Artelior
    I) Collecting Tobule
    J) Basment Membrane
    K) Glomerular (Bowman's) Capsule
    L) Parietal Layer
    M) Visceral Layer
    N) Urinary Pole
    O) Afferent Glomerular Arteriole
    P) Capsular Space
    Q) Proximal Convoluted Tubule
    R) Distal Convoluted Tubules
  • ● 3 components
    = ○ macula densa
    ■ dilatation of the afferent arterioles
    = ○ juxtaglomerular cell (JG)
    ■ modified smooth muscle cell
    renin —> angiotensin I
    ■ secretes renin when blood pressure is low
    = ○ extraglomerular mesangial cell
    ■ lazy cell
    • utilizes feedback mechanisms to regulate glomerular blood flow and keep the rate of glomerular filtration relatively constant
    • regulate blood pressure
    • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) = on lung capillaries clips this further to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor that directly raises systemic blood pressure and stimulates the adrenals to secrete aldosterone (from adrenal cortex — increase sodium)
    • Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system