Social exchange theory (SET)

Cards (17)

  • Based on economic theory
    seeking the best deal
    best deal = max profit
  • Profit calculation
    Profit - rewards = costs
    for most satisfying relationships we seek the highest rewards and lowest costs
  • Each partner in a relationship will be motivated to maximise their rewards and minimise their costs to gain best profit
  • Rewards and costs
    They are subjective
    rewards could be emotional support, sex or companionship
    costs could be stress, energy or compromising
    value of rewards and costs changes over course of relationship
  • For a relationship to form and continue both partners should be in profit (rewards higher than costs)
  • Comparison level (CL)
    the standard by which we judge all relationships
    based on previous experiences and social norms which are influenced by media
    CL changes over time as we experience different relationships
  • If we believe our current profit is greater than our CL the relationship is maintained
    if profit is less than CL relationship will breakdown
  • Comparison level for alternatives (CL alt)
    profit for potential alternative relationships is calculated
    can we do better with someone else?
    weigh up a potential increase in rewards from a different partner against costs of leaving our current partner
    a new relationship can take the place of a current one if it’s profit level is higher
  • Relationship will maintain if
    Rewards are high, costs are low
    profit is high compared to CL
    profit for alternatives (CL alt) is low
  • Relationships will breakdown if
    Rewards are low, costs are high
    profit is ow compared to CL
    profit for alternatives (CL alt) is higher
  • Supporting evidence for CL alt
    Sprecher, longitudinal study of 101 dating couples at a US university
    presence of alternatives was biggest predictor of relationship unsatisfisfaction in both males and females
    strong negative correlation between presence of alternative and satisfaction of the relationship , if there are lots of possible alternatives for you, you will be less happy in your relationship
    they concluded that having a high comparison for alternatives means you are more likely to breakdown your relationship
  • criticism of C&E
    findings could be explained by the fact that people are more likely to notice alternative when they are unhappy
    issue with cause and effect
    theory claims that high presence of alternatives leads to low satisfaction but could it be low satisfaction makes you look for more alternative
    support of this - miller , people who rated themselves as being in a committed relationship spent less time looking at images of attractive people
    people who are already unhappy are more likely to look for alternatives - contradicting theory
  • methodological issues of supporting research
    common procedure used in studies supporting this theory involves two strangers in a game playing
    p's must distribute rewards and costs and then assess their liking of each other , these two players know nothing about each other and their 'relationship' consists soley of the game
  • don't generalise to real life relationships
    • studies are artificial as they involve game playing scenarios which do not generalise to real life relationships​
    • These supporting studies therefore lack ecological validity which may undermine the validity of SET​
    • In fact, more realistic studies that use real couples have been less supportive of SET​
  • problems of measuring costs and benefits
    • theory suggests that individuals must have a way of measuring costs and benefits ​
    • For example how do you compare the benefit of seeing your children everyday to the cost of arguing with your partner everyday​
    • It is also unclear what the values of the CL and Cl alt must be in order to threaten a relationship​
    • How attractive do alternatives need to be to make you leave your partner?​
    • If it is not possible to measure rewards and costs then the theory cannot be a valid explanation​
  • reductionists
    • SET reduces relationships to profits (rewards and losses) ​
    • other factors such as instincts and reproductive success can also explain relationships​
    • SET also ignores the role of emotion – ​
    • Often people in unrewarding relationships stay because they still love their partner​
    • For example abused spouses are often very defensive of their partners even when their partners are being prosecuted​
  • another reason its reductionist
    • Another reason that SET is reductionist is that it argues that partners are out to maximise their profit in relationships ​
    • This doesn’t take into account equity (fairness)​
    • This shortcoming has been addressed by the equity theory (relationships will continue if both partners consider it to be fair)​
    • It is therefore suggested that SET is a very limited theory of romantic relationships​