
Cards (38)

  • Disease caused
    • Anaplasmosis
    • Babesia bovis, divergens - Bovine piroplasmosis, Red water disease
    • Babesia canis - Canine Piroplasmosis
    • Babesia equi - Equine Biliary Fever
    • Borrelia anserina - Fowl Spirochaetosis
    • Borrelia duttoni - African Relapsing Fever of man
    • Coxiella brunetti - Q Fever
    • Erlichia canis - Canine Erlichiosis
    • Fracisella tularensis - Tularemia
    • Rickettsia conori - Tick bite fever
    • Rickettsia rickettsii - Rocky Mountain spotted fever
    • Rickettsia ruminantium - Heartwater disease of cattle
    • Staphylococcus aureus - Tick pyaemia
    • Theileria parva - East Coast Fever
    • Yersinia pestis - Bubonic plague
  • Otodectes cynotis
    Occurs in the ears of the dog, cat, fox, and other carnivores, causing ear or otodectic mange
  • Otobius megnini
    Spinose ear tick
  • Dermacentor andersoni
    Rocky mountain wood tick
  • Rhiphecephalus sanguineus
    Brown dog tick
  • Neocnemidocoptes gallinae
    Cause of depluming itch in fowls resembling Sarcoptes
  • Rhiphecephalus spp.
    Basis capituli is hexagonal dorsally
  • Ophionyssus natricis
    Blood sucking mite in captive snakes. It occurs under the scales of several species of snakes and lizards in captivity
  • Lipotena
    Both sexes have wings but cast them when they find a host
  • Dermatobia hominis
    When the adult fly is ready to oviposit, she captures a mosquito (Culex), or other blood sucking fly (genus Psorophora, Stomoxys), and glues a batch of eggs to the abdomen of the captive fly
  • Pseudolynchia canariensis / P. maura
    A dark-brown fly which resembles the sheep ked, but has a pair of transparent, tapering wings with the venation reduced and concentrated along the anterior border
  • Hypoderma lineatum
    The fly is about as large as a housefly, light-yellow with light brown on the dorsal aspect of the thorax
  • Lucillia cuprina
    Bottle flies where the femora of the first pair of legs are bright green
  • Phormia
    Called as black blowflies
  • Hyprotaea irritans
    The stomach of this fly is black with grey patches, the abdomen is olive green and the wing bases are orange-yellow
  • Hypoderma
    A warble fly found in the subcutaneous tissue
  • Gasterophilus hemorrhoidalis and G. inermis
    These flies deposit their eggs on the hairs around the mouth and on the Cheeks
  • Chrysops
    The wings of this fly have a dark band passing from the anterior to the posterior border of the wings, the wings are divergent when at rest and the eyes are of a metallic color
  • Phlebotomous
    These flies are weak fliers and can pass through an ordinary nets or will otherwise search for an opening to get through
  • Simulium
    These insects have no scales and they are not hairy in their wings, except for bristles on the thick anterior veins
  • Chironomidae
    The larvae of some of this fly are colored red by hemoglobin and are called bloodworms
  • Lipeurus caponis
    A slender elongated louse which occurs on the underside of the large wing feathers and moves about very little
  • Menophon gallinae
    The louse is pale yellow in color, and occurs on fowls, ducks, and pigeons
  • Felicola subrostratus
    Common louse found on cats
  • Cheyletiella spp.
    They are easily recognized by their big palpal claws, with M-shaped gnathosomal peritremes, and comb-like tarsal appendages
  • Rhipicephalus annulatus

    The palps of this tick are ridged dorsally and laterally
  • Cimicidae
    They are oval, dorsoventrally flattened bodies, vestigial wings, three-segmented beaks
  • Ctenocephalides felis

    The most common species of flea affecting dogs and cats in the in the Philippines
  • Scutum
    Dorsal extension over the mouth of crustacean or acarinae
  • Direct contact with infested animal
    Mode of infection of Cheyletiella spp.
  • Cuterebrinae
    A rodent bot fly
  • Phoresy
    Two symbionts travelling together and there is no physiological or biochemical dependence
  • Otodectes cynotis

    The mite will cause intense pruritus of ear canal in dogs and cats which will be followed by self-mutation, otitis media, and bacterial infection
  • Facefly
    This irritates the eyes and nostrils, may predispose to bacterial keratoconjunctivitis or 'pink-eye', and transmits eye worms in cattle
  • Psoroptes ovis
    This mite is reportable in cattle and sheep in some states because it is very contagious and highly pathogenic causing dramatic weight loss and cause mange mite or scab mite in cattle
  • Melophagus ovinus or sheep ked
    Erroneously called sheep tick
  • Intermediate host

    One in which some development of the parasite occurs but in which it does not reach maturity
  • Demodex canis
    This mite together with some form of Staphylococcus pyogenes, cause red mange. Infection of this mite in young dogs can be serious and even fatal. There is hair loss on the muzzle, around the eyes, and on the forefeet. The skin develops reddish pimples and pustules, becoming hot thickened and covered with foul-smelling reddish-yellow exudate