Executes program instructions in order to run applications. Contain an ALU, control unit and registers.
Main memory
Random access memory (RAM) and read only memory (ROM) used to store program instructions and frequently used data. Much faster than secondary storage so storing data here helps processor execute instructions quickly
Series of parallel wires connecting internal components to allow signals to pass between them.
Number of parallel wires in a bus, has direct relationship to the number of bits that can be transferred simultaneously by the bus.
Address bus
Used to transport memory addresses specifying where data should be sent to/fetched from. Increasing width increases range of addresses it can specify, increasing computers amount of addressable memory. Number of addressable memory locations = 2^n if n is number of parallel wires.Unidirectional.
Addressable memory location
Portion of memory that can be accessed by its address. If there are not enough available, some portions may go unused
Data bus
Sends data and instructions. Increasing width increases volume of data that can be transferred at any one time. Bidirectional.
Control bus
Carries control signals that regulate operation of the computer system and carries the clock signal.Bidirectional.
I/O controllers
Hardware that control the communication of data between processor and external hardware devices
Von Neumann architecture
Instructions and data are stored together in the same memory and share buses for fetching both instructions and data, causing systems to perform worse due to bottlenecking and data can be processed as instructions vice versa. Used in general purpose computers e.g. laptops and smartphones
Harvard architecture
Processor uses 2 separate memory locations for instructions and data, reduces bottlenecking and limits errors. Allows different characteristics e.g. memory used for instructions may be read only so they cannot be altered. Used in embedded systems e.g. digital signal processing
Stored program concept
Seriallyfetching and executingmachine code instructions stored in main memory by a processor that performs arithmetic and logical operations
Stored program concept allows computer to switch out one set of instructions for another stored in main memory to run multiple different applications.
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
Performs arithmetic and logic operations e.g. addition, AND, OR
Control unit
Responsible for controlling components of processor and FDE cycle
Small storage locations used to hold data temporarily. Have high read and write speeds.
General purpose registers
Can be used as storage for any data that is required by instructions during execution.
Special purpose registers
Assigned to the storage of specific information and include PC, CIR, MAR, MBR, SR.
Program counter (PC)
Holds memory address of the next instruction to be executed in FDE cycle
Current instruction register (CIR)
Holds instruction currently being executed by processor
Memory address register (MAR)
Holds memory address of the memory location being read from / written to
Memory buffer register (MBR) / memory data register (MDR)
Holds contents of the memory location being read from / written to
Status register (SR)
Holds number of bits, values which can change to indicate occurrence of interrupt
Processor instruction set
Group of instructions it can carry out. Each processor has its own set so instructions for one may not be compatible with others. Stored in machine code and consist of opcode and one or more operands.
Specifies the type of operation to be carried out
The pieces of data on which the operation is performed
Immediate addressing
The actual value
Direct addressing
The memory address of the value
Hardware interrupt
E.g. I/O controller informing processor that mouse has been moved/keyboard key has been pressed
Software interrupt
E.g. unexpected error like divide by 0 or stack overflow
Interrupts are detected as changes in the content of the SR between the fetch and execute stages of the FDE cycle
Vectored interrupt method
Way of handling interrupts. When interrupt occurs, processor stops executing current program and places register contents onto system stack to save the volatile environment. Then loads interrupt service routine- instructions for handling specific interrupt. When fixed it restores volatile environment and resumes execution.