These first-generation computers relied on "machine language"
These computers were limited to solving one problem at a time. The input was based on punched cards and papertape
Output came out on print-outs.
The two notable machines are the UNIVAC and ENIAC which is the first ever commercial computer which was purchased in 1951 by a business - the US Census Bureau.
List down the First Generation Computers
List down second-generation computers
IBM 1620
CDC 1604
CDC 3600
Third Generation Computers were now being miniaturized and put on silicon chips also known as semiconductors
List down the Third Generation Computers
PDP (Personal Data Processor)
Fourth Generation Computers used VeryLargeScaleIntegrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits having about 5000 transistors.
List down the Fourth Generation computers
DEC 10
STAR 1000
PDP 11
Fifth Generation computers uses Artificial Intelligence such as voicerecognition
AI is a reality made possible by using parallel processing and superconductors.
List down Fifth Generation Computers
First Generation (1940-1956)
Keyword: Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation (1956-1963)
Key Tech: Transistors
Third Generation (1964-1971)
Key Tech: Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Fourth Generation (1971-Present)
Key Tech: Microprocessors
Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)
Key Tech: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Arithmetic LogicUnit (ALU): Performs arithmetic and logical operations.
Control Unit (CU): Directs operations of the processor by telling the ALU, memory, and input/output devices how to respond to the program instructions.
Registers: Small, fast storage locations within the CPU used to hold data temporarily during processing.
Primary Memory (Volatile)
Secondary Memory (Non-Volatile)
DDR (DoubleDataRate)
SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM)
Cache: Larger than registers but smaller and faster than RAM.
Registers: Fastest, smallest capacity, used within the CPU.
RAM: Larger than cache, used for active processes and data.