c5 - homeostasis and response

Cards (23)

  • synapses are gaps between neurones which nerve impulses travel along
  • progesterone is produced in the ovaries and maintains the uterus lining
  • what is type two diabetes ?
    when a person becomes immune to their body's insulin
  • what is type one diabetes?
    when someones body isn't producing enough insulin
  • lutenising hormone - produced by pituitary gland and stimulates the release of an egg (ovulation)
  • follicle stimulating hormone - released by pituitary gland and caused egg maturation
  • the pituitary gland releases hormones in response to change
  • Coordination centres receive and process information from receptor cells
  • What are receptors ?

    they detect changes in the environment and begin a signalling process
  • What are effectors?
    they carry out responses to stimuli that help to restore optimum levels
  • Homeostasis describes all of the processes that happen in a cell/organism to keep conditions optimal
  • Control systems are made up of: receptors, coordination centres and effectors
  • The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, effectors, neurones and synapses
  • What is the purpose of the human nervous system?
    It protects us from harm by responding to changes in the environment. It does this by coordinating communication between different parts of organisms
  • Oestrogen develops the uterus lining
  • What is negative feedback?

    responds when conditions change from the ideal, returning back to this ideal
  • what the process of ivf ?
    • fsh and lh are given to the woman
    • eggs are collected
    • eggs are fertilised in lab
    • 1/2 embyros put in womb
  • What are the negatives of ivf?
    low success rate, physically stressful and risk of multiple births
  • Reflex actions allow us to respond to dangerous situations rapidly
  • What makes up the endocrine system?
    ovaries, pancreas, thyroid gland, testes, adrenal gland
  • The pancreas releases insulin when glucose levels are high
  • Excess glucose is turned into glycogen
  • The contraceptive pill inhibits production of fsh to eggs don’t mature