A - relationships and families

Cards (18)

  • equality is about have the same opportunities and rights, being treat fairly
  • most christians believe it is wrong to treat people differently because God loves everyone equally
  • some christians believe a woman's role is motherhood and men are in charge
  • the bible teaches that God sees men and women as equal, so they should be treat as equals
  • sex is seen as important as Jesus said it bonded a heterosexual couple.
  • Jesus said that marriage was between a man and a woman
  • some christians believe pre-marital sex is okay in a committed relationship, but many completely disagree with it
  • in catholicism, a relationship/marriage is okay as long as the chance of having children is open. gay people aren't accepted for this reason
  • contraception is something used to prevent you from becoming pregnant
  • what are the purposes of families?
    to continue the faith, to fufill gods command to procreate or to fufill the desire to have children
  • what is a nuclear family?
    two parents with children
  • families are the basis for a stable society. parents look after their children whose role is to obey their parents and look after them in old age
  • some don't support gay people having children, believing a child needs a mother and father
  • some see marriage as sacred, so divorcing goes against God
  • Jesus allowed divorce in the case of adultery and it may be more loving to allow someone to remarry if it means they are happy
  • what are reasons for divorce?
    falling out of love, cheating, abuse, desertion
  • why may someone remarry?
    falling in love, security for children, fulfilling sexual relationship
  • cohabitation is two partners living together without being married.