
Cards (12)

  • 2 kinds of tides
    1. spring tides
    2. neap tides
  • spring tides - strongest tides
  • spring tides - sun, moon, and earth's gravity are in a straight line
  • neap tides - weakest tides
  • neap tides - sun, moon, and earth's gravity form a right angle
  • spring tides - here, the sun's and moon's gravities add up
  • neap tides - here, the sun's and moon's gravities cancel out each other
  • spring tides - the sun's tidal force works with the moon's tidal force and the combined pull causes highest and lowest tides
  • 7 days after a spring tide - when neap tides happen
  • neap tides - moderate tides
  • what kind of tide is this?
    spring tide
  • what kind of tide is this?
    neap tide