
Cards (15)

  • what are the 4 evidences of continental drift theory?
    1. fossils in africa and south america
    2. positions of mountain ranges
    3. glacial striations
    4. glacial tillites
  • glacial striations - scratches in the rock caused by movement of glaciers
  • glacial tillites - glacial sediments buried in rock
  • plate tectonic theory - what theory explains continental drift
  • continental drift theory - theory of the movement of the continents relative to each other
  • plate tectonic theory - theory that tectonic plates move
  • pangaea - supercontinent that existed during paleozoic and mesozoic eras
  • mesozoic era - what era did pangaea break up into 2
  • laurasia and gondwanaland - in mesozoic era, pangaea broke up into what 2 places?
  • north - is laurasia north or south when pangaea broke into 2
  • south - is gondwanaland north or south when pangaea broke into 2
  • asia, europe, and north america - in what continents did laurasia break up into?
  • cenozoic era - during what era did laurasia break up into continents
  • africa, australia, antarctica, and south america - in what continents did gondwanaland break up into?
  • centrifugal force - according to alfred wegener, what causes continental drift