plate boundaries

Cards (12)

  • divergent - plates move away from each other
  • mid-ocean ridges - what forms in divergent plate boundaries
  • convergent - plates move toward each other
  • oceanic-oceanic - happens when one of the oceanic plates is subducted (forced below the edge of) into the mantle
  • magma rises - why do volcanoes form in oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries
  • volcanoes and trenches - what forms in oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundaries
  • oceanic-continental - happens when oceanic plate is subducted (forced below the edge of) into the mantle
  • mountain ranges containing volcanoes - what forms in oceanic-continental convergent plate boundaries
  • continental-continental - neither plates is fully subducted but they are forced into one another
  • tall mountains - what forms in continental-continental convergent plate boundary
  • mid-ocean ridges - what forms in oceanic-oceanic divergent boundaries
  • rift valleys - what forms in continental-continental divergent boundaries