layers of the sun

Cards (28)

  • corona- outermost part of the sun's atmosphere
  • corona - usually hidden by the bright light of the sun's surface
  • total solar eclipse - when corona can be viewed
  • chromosphere - appears bright red
  • hydrogen in the sun - because of this, the chromosphere appears bright red
  • at high temperature - when does hydrogen in the sun emit red light
  • chromosphere - thin layer of plasma that lies between sun's photosphere and corona
  • corona - sun's upper atmosphere
  • photosphere - surface of the sun
  • photosphere - cooler than its neighboring layers
  • sunspots - cooler than photosphere
  • photosphere - "sphere" of light
  • photosphere - part of the sun that we can see even without any equipment
  • core - center of the sun
  • 1/2 - about what part the sun's mass is in the core
  • core - made of gas but is more dense than lead
  • core - hottest region
  • core - site of nuclear fusion
  • density and temperature conditions are high enough - why does nuclear fusion occur in the core of the sun
  • radiation zone - layer just outside the sun's core
  • radiation zone - where photons of light carry energy created through nuclear fusion towards the surface
  • thermal radiation - as what do photons of light carry energy created through nuclear fusion towards the surface in the radiation zone
  • convection zone - where energy is transported in gases to the photosphere through convection currents
  • nearest to radiation zone - where gas/plasma is hottest
  • nearest to photosphere - where gas/plasma is the coolest and denser
  • denser - as you move from space toward the Sun's core, the gas gets what?
  • photosphere - represents the depth at which we can see no deeper toward the core of the sun
  • denser gas - as heated gas rises to the surface, what sinks?