Clotting workshop

Cards (21)

  • What are the naturally occuring anti-coagulant proteins
    C and s.
  • Which factors doe Protein C and S inactivate
    V and VIII
  • What is the pathology of a defieciency in protein c or s
    It results in a hyper-coagulable state
  • What are the risks with a hyper-coagulable state [state the conditions]
    Thrombus, deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism.
  • What is thrombomodulin
    a protein attached to endothelial cells within a blood vessel.
    It binds to thrombin as well as protein C and S.
    Protein C acts as a protease on factors V and VIII.
  • What is the method of inheritence for protein c and s deficiency
    Autosomal dominant. This can be type 1 or 2.
  • What is type 1 protein c/s deficiency
    This is caused by a lack of production of these proteins.
  • What is type 2 protein c/s deficiency
    The proteins produced are not functional
  • Who gets acquired protein c and s deficiency
    Patients with liver disease, taking warfarin or nephrotic syndrome due to the loss of proteins in their urine.
  • What are the tests used for haemostasis
    Prothrombin time.
    Activated partial thromboplastin time.
    Thrombin time.
    Mixing studies.
  • What is the normal time for PT
    12 seconds
  • What is the normal time for aPTT
    25 to 39 seconds
  • What does an elevated PT indicate
    An issue in the extrinsic pathway.
  • How does warfarin contribute to protein C and S deficiencies
    It blocks the enzyme required for Vitamin K synthesis which is required to make Protein C and S.
  • What is thromboplastin
    Tissue Factor III
  • What is the INR
    This is the international normalised ratio and is used with Prothrombin time.
    It is a ratio of prothrombin time to a control. It's used for patients taking warfarin and vitamin K antagonists.
  • What is activated partial thrombin time
    This relates to the intrinsic or common pathways.
  • What is thrombin time
    This is the time taken to clot in the common pathway.
  • What are mixing studies with normal blood
    If no coagulation happens then the patient has an inhibitor.
  • What is mixing studies with barium sulphate absorbed plasma
    It lacks factors II, VII, IX, X.
    It has factors I, V, VIII, XIII.
  • What are mixing studies with serum
    Lacks I, V, VIII and XIII.
    Has factors II, VII, IX, X.