cardiac and ventilation

Cards (5)

  • explain why it is necessary for the cardiac output of marathon runners to increase during a race(2)
    • to increase supply of oxygenated blood to muscles
    • to allow aerobic respiration
    • to provide more energy to meet increased demand
  • deduce how adrenaline can cause a change in heart rate(4)
    • adrenaline is carried in blood
    • acts on the SAN
    • increasing frequency of impulses produced by SAN
    • increasing the rate the heart contracts
  • explain how starting to excercise causes an increase in breathing rate(3)
    • excercise initiates impulses from stretch receptors in muscles
    • impulses sent to and from the ventillation centre in the medulla oblongata
    • leading to increase impulses to intercostal muscles or diaphragm
  • explain the effect of exercise on the changes in oxygen consumption(4)
    • exercise will increase oxygen consumption
    • because there is more aerobic respiration occuring
    • because more energy(ATP) is needed by mucles
    • oxygen also required to convert lactate into glucose or pyruvate
    • oxygen consumption decreases after excercise
  • describe how the SAN is involved in bringing about a change in heartrate as the level of activity increases(2)
    • more stimulation/depolarisation of SAN
    • causing more frequent waves of depolarisation from SAN to atria
    • leading to more frequent contraction of atria/stimulation of AVN