The legacy of the first world war

Cards (12)

  • The First World War ended in 1918 and left Germany scarred and crumbling, having been defeated by the combined force of Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the USA. Friedrich Ebert, leader of the Social Democratic Party, became the first German president and declared Germany a republic.
  • The world war killed 2 million German troops and over 4 million were wounded. Government debt also increased from 50 billion marks to 150 billion marks
  • More than 750000 Germans died due to food shortages during thr war
  • The devastating effects of the world war lead to people striking and riots. Some rioters almost declared a communist government in Berlin during Kaiser's reign
  • On the 9th November 1918, Kaiser visited army headquarters in Spa, where he was persuaded by ministers to abdicate. While hesitant, army officers refused to support him, in which he was forced to abdicate
  • On November 10, Ebert temporarily halted the activities of the old Reichstag and formed the council of people representatives temporarily
  • Scheidemann, of the SDP, declared the new Republic to the crowds. He was fearful that armed rioters were preparing to declare a communist government in Berlin, and, keen to prevent this, he promoted a peaceful transition
  • The revolutionary period continued until August 1919, when the Weimar Republic was finally established.
  • The armistice was signed on the 11th November, the first formal agreement of Eberts new republic. It included the treat of versailles and a peace treaty
  • The armistice caused a big burden for Germany due to reparations, military restrictions and the loss of colonies
  • Germany also surrendered WW1 as they were blockaded by Britain, making them poor economically
  • The Kiel Mutiny took place in October 1918, when Sailors in the navy refused to take orders from the Kaiser