Poor stock control results in stock in and stock out costs

Cards (7)

  • Stock-in costs
    The costs associated with holding too much stock
  • Stock-in costs
    • Can be particularly bad for small businesses with little money
    • Can be particularly bad for businesses in a dynamic market where there is a high chance that demand may change before stock gets used up
  • Stock-out costs
    The costs associated with running out of stock
  • Poor stock control can lead to
    1. High stock-in costs
    2. High stock-out costs
  • Stock-out costs in a manufacturing firm
    • Running out of stocks of raw materials would mean that production had to stop but workers and expenses would still need to be paid
    • Could be demotivating for staff as they wouldn't have any work to do
  • If a business is a supplier for other businesses
    Running out of stock could affect the whole supply chain
  • Stock-out costs
    • Lost sales from losing customers to a competitor, as the customers become tired of waiting for new stock to arrive
    • Can damage the firm's reputation
    • Firm may have to compensate customers for delayed or missing orders, which increases costs