Toto Al quality management

Cards (5)

  • Quality Management
    Total Quality Management (TQM) Assures Commitment to Quality
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
    • Quality is at the centre of everything a business does
    • It's a big part of the business's culture
    • Every employee in every department focuses on quality in order to improve the overall quality of the products
  • TQM
    Every employee has to try to satisfy customers and co-workers
  • Advantages of TQM
    • Helps employees bond as a team
    • Boosts a company's reputation for providing quality services or products
    • Leads to fewer faulty products being made, so the business creates less waste
  • Disadvantages of TQM
    • Can take a long time to introduce, firms might not see immediate improvements in quality
    • Can demotivate staff, it can seem like a lot of effort to consider quality in all parts of the firm
    • Is usually expensive to introduce, it often means investing in training for all employees