Labour intensive

Cards (5)

  • Labour-Intensive Firms
    Firms that use more workers and less machinery
  • Labour-intensive firm
    • NHS
  • Labour-intensive firms
    • Need skilled workers that can solve problems for patients
  • Advantages of labour-intensive production
    • For a firm that only produces on a small scale, it might not make financial sense to buy expensive machines to do jobs that humans could do
    • Humans can be retrained if they need to carry out a new task, whereas machines may need to be replaced
    • Human workers can solve any problems that arise during production and suggest ways to improve quality
  • Disadvantages of labour-intensive production
    • It's harder to manage people than machines
    • People can be unreliable (e.g. they can get sick) and they can't work without breaks
    • Wage increases mean that the cost of production can increase over time