1.10 Protecting Designs and Intellectual Property

Cards (13)

  • What is Intellectual Property (IP)
    An idea that has been physically created which didn't exist before
    E.g book, film, handbag, car manufacturer's name badge
  • Why can an idea alone not be intellectual property (IP)
    It has to be in physical format for it to be recognised
  • What is copyright
    The legal right that provides protection for works and lasts for 70 years in most cases after the death of the creator of the work 
  • Which act covers copyright
    The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
  • Where are the patents submissions made to

    Intellectual Property Office
  • What do Registered Designs cover
    The appearance and decoration of a product
  • For up to how many years are registered designs registered
    Up to 25 years
  • What is a logo
    Graphical symbol instantly identifibale and unique to make brands stand out from others 
  • What is a trademark
    Can incorporate graphics but simply consists of words 
  • How often must a trademark be renewed
    Every 10 years
  • What is the registrant entitled to after registering their trademark  
    1.Ability to take legal action against counterfeit and any others who use their brand unauthorised
    2.They can use the TM symbol
    3.The right to sell and license their brand
  • What are the main types of IP
    Registered design
  • What are some examples of open design use of developing countries
    Water pump and purification systems
    Aerial ropeways