Lesson 5: Corrosion and Electrolysis

Cards (24)

  • Corrosion
    The breakdown or deterioration of metals through redox reactions
  • Rusting
    Oxidation of iron in steel
  • Corrosion of steel
    1. Non-uniformities on the surface become the anodic region
    2. Rest of the metal becomes the cathodic region
    3. Water acts as a salt bridge
  • Oxidation of iron
    Fe (s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e-
  • Reduction at cathode
    O2(g) + 2H2O (l) + 4 e- → 4OH- (aq)
  • Non-uniformities
    • Bumps, dents
  • Anodic region
    • The hole, gets smaller and smaller
  • Cathodic region
    • Orange dust, gets larger
  • High humidity and water
    More rust
  • Copper corrosion
    • Turns green
    • Copper oxide protective layer
  • Water pipe corrosion
    • Lead/iron reacts with water, causes health issues
    • Hard water has high iron
  • Galvanizing
    Coating iron with zinc to protect from oxidation
  • Cathodic protection
    Electrons are continually supplied to the metal that is being protected, making it the cathode
  • Uses of cathodic protection
    • Buried pipelines, fuel tanks, sewage tanks
  • Electrolysis
    Applying an electric current to a system to produce a chemical change
  • Electrolytic cells
    Galvanic cells that use electricity to produce a chemical change that would not occur spontaneously
  • Uses of electrolytic processes
    • Galvanizing
    • Aluminum production
    • Electrorefining metals
    • Electroplating metals
  • sometimes the cathode might not be a solid, such as hydrogen gas, so the cathode is made of platinum (very unreactive) (so the cathode would be a gas + Pt)
  • Electroplating
    1. Submerge steel cathode in anode in zinc solution
    2. Induce current from cathode through zinc solution to anode
    3. Dissolved zinc precipitates and forms plate on cathode
    4. Oxygen bubbles rise from anode
  • Cathode
    The material going to be coated, attached to positive terminal of electrical energy supply
  • Anode
    Immobile, oxygen bubbles rise from
  • Electrolyte
    Zinc solution
  • Electroplating
    • Coating iron with zinc to protect from oxidation
  • Electroplating is a type of surface treatment using electrolysis