SpeechStyle - A communicative style which portrays how a language is characterized in terms of degree of formality.
CummunicativeStyle - Refers to the individual's prefered style of communicating he thinks that is effective with others.
Frozenstyle - this is known as the fixed speech.
FrozenStyle - Uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary that are only known by experts in field.
FrozenStyle - Often used in respectful situations and formal ceremonies such as weddings, funeral, national pledges, school creeds, national anthem, and Miranda rights.
FormalStyle - In this communicative style, the speaker is expected to use formal words and expressions. It delivers in complete sentences with specific word usage.
FormalStyle - Usually used during business meetings, speeches, school lessons, job interviews, school application interviews and research papers.
IntimateStyle - Used in conversations between people who are very close and have known each other quite well since they have the maximum of shared background information.
IntimateStyle - Usually used in couple talking about their relationship goals, family sharing things about each other, and best friends sharing secrets, special moments and so on.
Casual style - also known as "Informal Style"
Casual Style - This communicative style is used in conversations between friends and people who have something to share and have shared background information.
Casual Style - This is usually used in phone calls, everyday conversation with classmates or friends, chat, and text messages.
Consultative style - is also known as the "unplannedspeech"
Consultative Style - This is used in semi-formal communication and is considered as the most operational among the other styles.
Consultative Style - This style is usually used in group discussion, business meetings, trade, and asking someone who is more knowledgeable than you about certain matters such as Doctors, Lawyers, Pharmacists, and Teachers.