Thoracic Wall, Pleural Cavity

Cards (44)

  • Diaphragm Origin
    Costal part - Inferior border of the ribs (7-12)
    Lumbar part - Vertebral bodies L1-L3, ALL, arcuate
    Sternal part - Posterior surface of xiphoid process
  • Diaphragm Insertion
    Central Tendon
  • Diaphragm Innervation
    Phrenic Nerve (C3-C5) "keeps diaphragm alive"
  • Levatores Costarum Origin
    C7-T11 transverse processes
  • True Ribs
    1-7, own costal cartilages
  • False Ribs
    8-10, indirect sternum attachment
  • Floating Ribs
    11-12, no attachment
  • Parts of the rib
    head, neck, angle, tubercle
    • Costal Groove - protects intercostal nerve, artery, vein
  • Right Lung vs Left Lung
    • 3 cm above clavicle in midclavicular line
    • Follow inferior along parasternal line
    • Follow lateral to midclavicular line
    • Continue laterally to 8th rib and posteriorly to 10th rib
    • Follow lateral to midclavicular line
    Left Lung:
    • Follows curvature of the heart to the 6th rib (the heart occupies more space on the left side)
  • Costochondral Joint
    Sternal end of rib with lateral end of costal cartilage
    Primary cartilaginous (synchondrosis)joint
    Strengthened by periosteum surrounding bone and cartilage
  • Sternocostal Joint
    Costal cartilages with sternum
    Primary cartilaginous joint (1st rib)
    Synovial plane joint (ribs 2
    Strengthened by radiate sternocostal ligaments
  • Costovertebral Joint Complex
    Costovertebral joint - Head of rib with costal facets of vertebrae
    Costotransverse joint - Tubercle of rib with transverse process of vertebrae
    Plane / gliding joints
    Strengthened by radiate ligament
  • "Bucket Handle Movement"
    Middle 1/3 of ribs 7-10 are lower than the sternal or vertebral ends. This allows for movement of the rib shaft laterally.
  • "Pump Handle Movement"
    Elevation of ribs 1-6 moves the sternum superiorly and anteriorly.
  • Diaphragm Openings
    Caval opening - IVC, Phrenic nerve branch
    Esophageal hiatus - Esophagus, Vagal trunks
    Aortic hiatus - Descending aorta, Thoracic duct
  • Interchondral Portion of the internal intercostal muscle contributes to?
    elevation of ribs
  • Serratus Posterior-superior
    O: Nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7-T2
    I: Superior border of ribs 2-5
  • Serratus Posterior-inferior
    O: Spinous processes of T11-L2
    I: Inferior border of ribs 9-12
  • Muscles of Inspiration
    Quiet breathing - inspiration results from contraction of the
    diaphragm; intercostal muscles increase diameter of thoracic cage
  • Muscles of expiration
    Quiet breathing -
    expiration results from passive recoil of lungs and thoracic cage;
    intercostal muscles decrease diameter of thoracic cage
  • Thoracic Wall Innervation
    Spinal nerves T1-T12 supply the
    thoracic wall. Ventral (anterior) rami form the
    intercostal nerves.
  • Back muscles innervation
    Dorsal (posterior) rami supply joints,
    back muscles and skin in the
    thoracic region
  • Rami communicantes
    connect each intercostal nerve to the sympathetic trunk.
    Sympathetic nerve fibers can use spinal
    nerves to reach vessels and glands in thoracic
  • Shingles
    Herpes zoster infection
    Occurs when the VZV, varicella zoster virus is activated
    dorsal root ganglion
  • Anastomoses of the Thoracic Wall
    Posterior and anterior intercostal arteries communicate via
  • What is a branch of the thoracic aorta?
    Intercostal artery of rib 12 or subcostal artery
  • An arterial branch from the aorta?
    Posterior intercostal artery
  • A branch of the internal thoracic artery (1-6), and musculophrenic (7-9)?
    Anterior intercostal artery
  • Intercostal veins run with?
    the arteries in the costal
  • Anterior intercostal veins drain into?
    internal thoracic veins
  • Posterior intercostals drain into?
    to azygos / hemiazygos vein
  • Pleural Space
    Between visceral and parietal layers
    • Filled with serous fluid
  • Parietal Pleura is attached to?
    thoracic cage
  • visceral pleura is attached to?
  • Costodiaphragmatic recess
    between ribs 6-12
  • Pulmonary artery carries blood to?
    lungs, branches into lobar arteries
  • Pulmonary Veins
    R and L superior and inferior pulmonary veins return blood to
  • Bronchial arteries
    Supply root of the lungs, tissue of lungs and visceral pleura
    Branches of the aorta
  • Posterior Pulmonary PLexus
    -located posterior to carina
    -main innervation to lung
  • What is the insertion of transversus thoracis?
    Inner surface of the costal cartilages of ribs 2-6