Thegroupoforgansthatisresponsiblefortransportingairintothelungsandfacilitatingthediffusionofoxygenintothebloodstreamandbreathing out carbondioxidewhichisthewasteproductofcellularrespiration.
What is the Respiratory System?
What is the gas that your body needs in order to work and function?
Carbon Dioxide
What is the waste product produced through the respiration of people and animals?
Breathing (Ventilation)
What is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs?
External Respiration
This is the gas exchange between the air from the lungs and blood.
Internal Respiration
This is the gas exchange between the blood and tissues.
Cellular Respiration
The process in which oxygen is used to produce ATP and carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide as waste.
It is a mechanical process that helps get air into and out of the lungs.
What are the Parts of the Lower Respiratory Tract?
It is a tube-like pathway that connects your throat to your bronchi tubes and lungs.
This is were the air passes through when it travels from the pharynx to the bronchi tubes
20-25 mm
What is the diameter of the trachea?
10-16 cm
What is the length of the trachea?
The inner membrane of the trachea is covered in _______ which catch particles of dust which we can then remove through coughing.
How many tracheal cartilages (C-shaped rings of cartilage) are there?
Is to help protect the trachea and keep it open.
What is the function of the tracheal cartilages (C-shaped rings of cartilage)?
They are not complete circles due to the position of the esophagus immediately behind the trachea and the need for the trachea to partially collapse to allow the expansion of the esophagus when swallowing large pieces of food.
Why are the tracheal cartilages (C-shaped rings of cartilage) are not full circles?
The trachea divides into two tubes called _______.
Left Bronchi
Which bronchi is narrower, longer, and more horizontal?
Irregular rings of cartilage
they surround the bronchi, whose walls are also consist of both smooth muscle.
Tertiary Bronchi
Inside the lung, the bronchi split in several ways forming _______ _______.
It is the main organ of the respiratory system.
They are the site in the body where oxygen is taken into and carbon dioxide is expelled out.
Right Superior, Right Middle, and Right Inferior
What are the three lobes of the right lung?
Left Superior, and Left Inferior
What are the two lobes of the left lung?
Tertiary Bronchi
They give rise to the terminal bronchioles which in turn, give rise to respiratory bronchioles.