Intrinsic, Extrinsic, And Amotivation

Cards (5)

  • Intrinsic motivation
    When people participate in an activity or complete a task because they will benefit from it. It depends on the individual's attitudes and beliefs. It has a greater endurance than extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation focuses primarily on internal sources of motivation, such as learning to gain independence and wanting to prove yourself.
  • Intrinsic motivation
    • Volunteer work
  • Extrinsic motivation
    When people participate in an activity or complete a task because they will receive something in return. E.g. a reward or because there may be a negative consequence if they do not complete the task (E.g. a punishment). (Can generally be motivated by outside factors such as money, acclaim, and fame.)
  • When considering external influences three aspects should be considered.
  • Amotivation
    Lack of or absence of drive to engage in any activity, performed only because they have to get it done- not out of enjoyment or because it fulfils the individual, but rather because the individual has little to no choice on whether they want to partake in said behaviour. This leads to a lack of control given that this behaviour is not done willingly.