Real world contexts

Cards (10)

  • Self-determination theory

    Theory that has shown the importance of three basic needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) in real-world settings like workplace, education, and sports
  • In the classroom
    1. Teachers encourage a culture of autonomy
    2. Teachers provide prompt feedback and stretch/challenge students to promote competence
    3. Students perceive others listening and responding to them to experience relatedness
  • Avoiding excessive external rewards for actions students already enjoy
    Improves their internal desire for motivation
  • Students more involved in setting educational goals
    More likely to experience intrinsic motivation and reach their goals
  • In the workplace
    People who feel they can have a positive effect tend to feel more engaged and motivated<|>Organisations should encourage autonomy to enhance employees' well-being, productivity, and personal growth, and contribute to organisational effectiveness
  • Managers/leaders helping employees develop self-determination
    1. Putting them in leadership roles
    2. Providing constructive feedback to build competence
  • Offering too many extrinsic rewards
    Can diminish sense of autonomy, work becomes about obtaining the reward rather than loving what one does
  • In competition
    Fostering self-determination can inspire individuals to excel, especially in competitive settings like sports where the stakes are high<|>Athletes driven to perform better if they believe they can overcome hurdles
  • In a social setting

    Individuals attempting to forge close and affectionate relationships with others is likely to improve self-determination behaviours
  • Building self-determination in social settings

    Actively seeking positive relationships that promote a positive environment/support (e.g. staff parties, team breakfast, going out with team, buying gifts for colleagues)