Phlebotomy - cut a vein or make an incision into a vein
one of the oldest medical procedures known to man
phleb/o - vein
-tomy - to cut or make an incision
four body fluids (humors) - represent four elements of the universe
yellow bile
black bile
Hippocrates believed that diseases are caused by an excess of any of these body fluids and that removal of the excess would cause the body to return to its healthy state.
bloodletting (removal of blood) - only means to cure diseases and maintain the body in a state of well-being
Bloodletting techniques:
Suction cup devices with lancets used to form an incision
Application of blood-sucking worms called "leeches" to an incision
Barber surgery in which blood from an incision produced by barber's razor was collected in a bleeding bowl
Phelbotomy Then:
Performed by a cut into a vein with a sharp instrument to drain blood
Performed by “barber-surgeons” or trained persons
Aseptic practices were not known, so the lancet was reused for several patients
Phlebotomy Now:
Performed using a variety of sterile needle and lancets
Performed by trained phlebotomist
Standards of practice set by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
A phlebotomist is a trained medical personnel to collect blood samples for laboratory analysis.