Zimbardo - Procedure

Cards (16)

  • Where did Zimbardo set up a mock prison?
    In the basement of Stanford University
  • How many volunteers were there?
    21 students
  • What were the men tested as?
    Emotionally stable
  • Who were the volunteers?
  • How was the sample selected?
    Volunteer sampling
  • What were the students randomly assigned as?
    Prisoner or guard
  • What were "prisoners" and "guards" encouraged to do?
    Conform to social roles
  • How were "prisoners" and "guards" encouraged to conform to social roles?
    Uniforms and instructions about behaviour
  • What uniform were prisoners given?
    Loose smock and a cap
  • How were prisoners identified?
    Number - names not used
  • What did the uniform reflect?
    Status of their role
  • What uniform were guards given?
    Guard uniform, wooden club, handcuffs and mirror shades
  • What did the uniforms mean?
    Loss of personal identity (de-individuation)
  • What did a loss of personal identify mean for students?
    More likely to conform to social roles
  • What instructions were guards given about their behaviour?
    Reminded they had complete power over prisoners
  • What instructions were prisoners given about their behaviour?
    Several procedures - apply for 'parole'