UK LAW on embryo research, cloning and designer babies
embyros must be created in vitro (in petri disk)
research is permitted for up to 14 days
sex selection is only permitted to prevent sex-linked genetic conditions
saviour siblings technology is when a child is created so its cord can be used on a very ill sibling as it is genetically compatible. (only life threatening)
Purpose of embryo research:
to understand causes of infertility and miscarriage and develop effective treatment
develop more effective contraception
prevent genetic conditions
Designer babies:
created through IVF
editing of DNA cells and embryos
some would like to use this for intelligence and appearance
Application of natural law to ERCD:
mainly rejected by aquinas
breaches three primary precepts: WORSHIP OF GOD (playing god), REPRODUCTION (seperated the sexual cat from the procreative act so life is created without sex), LIVING IN AN ORDERED SOCIETY (poses a threat to marriage and family harmony)
Embryo destruction breaches primary precept of preservation of innocent life, seen as murder.
good intention but wrong action
Designer babies leads to discrimination based on wealth, race of super-humans and devalues the weak.
Application of virtue ethics to ERCD:
We are not clear about what aristotle would think but modern virtue ethicists such as rosalind hursthouse think its irelevant as we cannot know what stage personhood occurs.
being compassionate means you should focus on those being affected by infertility, ilnesses and life threatening genetic disorders
COMPASSION AND JUSTICE, would research leading to the use of germline therapy (genetic engineering on sex cells leading to transmission to the descendents) show reckless disregard for risk or would not using it lead to cowardice?
Application of situation ethics to ERCD:
personhood confers rights, self-awareness and capacity to communicate, embryo is a potential person so doesnt pose any moral threats
Most loving outcome
proper controls should be in place
"man is a maker, designer and selector"- fletcher
intention is good so its allowed
there are political problems but not ethical problems