Interest rates

Cards (11)

  • Interest rates
    Determine the cost of borrowing or saving
  • A fall in interest rates
    Means a decrease in the cost of borrowing for businesses
  • A rise in interest rates
    Leads to an increase in the cost of borrowing
  • Interest rate on savings
    The amount of money paid into a savings account by the bank
  • A fall in interest rate
    Means a decrease in the return on savings
  • Changes in interest rates
    Will affect a business's costs if it has a loan or a mortgage
  • High interest rates
    Mean most consumers have less money to spend
  • People with existing borrowing have to pay more money back in interest
    So they have less disposable income and market demand goes down
  • People might decide to save more
    To take advantage of the interest earned on their savings, reducing demand
  • Low interest rates
    Mean consumers have more disposable income and there is less reward for saving, so demand goes up
  • The effect of interest rates on demand
    Depends on the product