Businesses cycle

Cards (8)

  • Boom
    • GDP is high
    • Production reaches maximum capacity
    • Shortages
    • Price increases
    • Shortages of skilled labour
    • Wages rise
  • Recession
    • Incomes start to go down
    • Demand goes down
    • Business confidence is reduced
  • Slump
    • GDP is at a low
    • Businesses close factories
    • Redundancies
    • Unemployment is high
    • Businesses become insolvent or go bankrupt
  • Recovery or upswing period
    • Production increases
    • Employment increases
    • People have more money to spend
  • Gross domestic product (GDP)

    A measure of the value of all final products in a country
  • Business cycle
    • Boom
    • Recession (downswing)
    • Slump
    • Recovery (upswing)
    • Long-term trend
  • Income elasticity of demand
    Affects how much a business is impacted by the business cycle
  • Income inelastic products

    • Staple foods