Changes in business cycle affects business

Cards (7)

  • During booms
    Businesses can raise prices. This increases profitability, and it slows down demand a bit.
  • In a long-lasting boom

    Businesses invest in production facilities to increase capacity. They may come out with new products to take advantage of increased consumer income.
  • During recessions
    Businesses may make workers redundant to save wage costs and increase capacity utilisation (see p.84-85).
  • During a local recession
    Businesses can market their goods elsewhere in the country-a local shop could market online.
  • In a national recession
    Businesses can market their products overseas.
  • When a national recession or slump lasts a long time

    Some businesses choose to relocate abroad.
  • In general, global upswings provide growth opportunities for everyone, and global recessions are bad for everyone.