More commonly complicated by the limited size of the uterine horn rather than by blood supply, associated with second-trimester pregnancy loss, malpresentation, and preterm labor and delivery
Many women are able to carry a pregnancy to fruition, although preterm labor and delivery is a significant risk. Viable pregnancies have been achieved with surgical unification procedures, requiring delivery via cesarean section
Benign monoclonal tumors, genetic predisposition, steroid hormone factors, growth factors, and angiogenesis may play a role in their formation and growth
It is unclear whether fibroids have any malignant potential, but leiomyosarcomas are thought to represent separate new neoplasias rather than a degeneration of an existing benign fibroid
Low-dose oral contraceptive pills are generally protective against the development of new fibroids but may stimulate existing fibroids, except in women who start OCPs between ages 13-16
Increasingly heavy periods of longer duration (menorrhagia), spotting after intercourse (postcoital spotting), bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), or heavy irregular bleeding (menometrorrhagia)