Realism and liberalism differ on globalisation

Cards (4)

  • Themes:
    • Economic
    • Cultural
    • Political
  • Economic
    • Liberals: globalisation creates a free trading world that's good for peace - Ketone - complex interdependence
    • Facilitates a world where there is not a zero sum game
    • countries through trade can specialise - comparative advantage
    • Realists disagree and argue that trade is important but will never lessen the security dilemma
    • On the contrary - countries that give up their 'vital industries are giving up security'
    • Interdependence will not stop war
  • cultural:
    • Liberals - cosmopolitan world - brings people closer together - this helps to foster ties and lessens hatred
    • Dilutes ultra nationalism - because cultural cosmopolitanism
    • realists argue that national identity is important, and this may require specifying a national culture
  • Political:
    • Liberals argue that political global governance including regional institutions can weaken the nation state and that's a good thing
    • Hyperglobalisation will mean that countries, big and small can compete equally
    • realists see global governance as a mirage and great powers will always manipulate these organisations to its advantage
    • the nation state will always remain important and when it comes to its - countries will not rely on these organisations