Phonetics: The Apparatus of Speech

Cards (9)

  • Human speech
    Produced by the respiratory and digestive tracts as the brain directs them
  • Movements of the tongue and air from the lungs are important in the production of speech sounds
  • Vocal folds
    Muscular pair of elastic folds in the larynx that can be moved to control the flow of air
  • Glottis
    The space between the vocal folds
  • The larynx is located at the top of the trachea, which connects to the lungs.
  • The vocal folds are also known as the vocal cords.
  • The epiglottis is a small piece of cartilage that sits above the opening into the larynx (glottis) and prevents food or liquids from entering the windpipe while we eat or drink.
  • Although it is possible to produce speech sounds while inhaling (ingressive sounds), most sounds in all languages are produced by expelling air (egressive sounds).
  • The air is modified by the structures of the respiratory and digestive systems before it is released. These structures are referred to as the organs of speech or articulators.