1.12 Feasability Studies

Cards (7)

  • What is Lean Manufacturing
    Minimising waste in terms of time and materials
  • What are buffer zones
    Temporary storage areas where partially completed work is stored while slower tasks are completed 
  • What is takt time
    The rate at which an item needs to be made in order to meet customer demand  
  • What 3 factors also influence production time

    Maintenance activities
    Cleaning time
  • How is takt time calculated
    Available production time per day ÷ customer demand per day 
  • How is the cost of production calculated 
    Split into direct costs (materials, labour) and indirect costs (factory lighting, salaries, rent)
  • What is a prototype
    A functioning or non functioning model of a product which allows designers and manufacturers to get feedback on their designs before putting them into production