Week 8-9

Cards (20)

  • Application Hardening - It is an overall term for hardening or protecting an app against intrusions by eliminating vulnerabilities and increasing layers of security.
  • Application Hardening might be called System Hardening or OS Hardening
  • Command Injection - It is an abuse of an application's behavior to execute commands on the operating system by using the same privileges as the program executing on a device.
  • Buffers - These are memory storage regions that temporarily hold data while it is being transferred from one location to another
  • Buffer Overflow - It is the most widespread vulnerabilities in application programs.
  • Stack overflow - It is a type of buffer overflow error that occurs when a computer tries to use more memory space in the call stack than has been allocated to that stack.
  • Web Services - It can include any software, application, or cloud technology that provides standardized web protocols to interoperate, communication, and exchange data messaging throughout the internet.
  • E-Commerce Service - It is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.
  • External Access - E-Commerce Server needs to have network access to a number of systems external to itself.
  • Custom Programs - Many companies use e-commerce software write their own programs to supplement the capabilities of the packaged software they purchase.
  • Website Defacement - It is a comman attack that taking over a computer and putting up a hacker-produced page instead of the normal home page.
  • Buffer Overflow Attack To Launch A Command Shell - This type of attack can be very dangerous as it allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a system and execute commands with the privileges of the compromised program.
  • Directory Travelsal Attack - It is a type of web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to access files and directories outside of the web server's root directory.
  • Server Deployment - It is the process of making a server operational.
  • Development Server - This server is primarily used by developer during the initial stages of software development.
  • Testing Server - This server is used for quality assurance (QA) and software testing purposes.
  • Production Server - This server is where the live or operational version of the software is deployed and accessed by end-users.
  • Browser Threats - It encompass a range of risks and vulnerabilities that can compromise the security and privacy of users' web browing experiences.
  • Mobile Code - It consists of commands written into a webpage. When the webpage is downloaded, the script can execute automatically.
  • Malicious Link - Malicious URL is a link created with the purpose of promiting scams, attacks, and frauds.