Chemical transformation of Food

Cards (8)

  • Digestion includes :
    2 types of transformation that take place at the same time:
    1. Mechanical transformation: Mechanical digestion
    2. Chemical transformation: chemical digestion
  • Mechanical transformation
    change in the aspect (size-shape) of food
    ---> like chewing, mastication, etc...
  • Chemical transformation
    change in the identity of food
    --> Like: starch -> maltose -> glucose.
  • Organs of digestive tube and the mechanical/ chemical digestion's role
    • Mouth
    • Mechanical digestion: Mastication (food is cut, torn, and grinded)
    • Chemical digestion: Mixing of food with saliva
    • Pharynx
    • Mechanical digestion: —
    • Chemical digestion: —
    • Esophagus
    • Mechanical digestion: —
    • Chemical digestion: —
    • Stomach
    • Mechanical digestion: Churning
    • Chemical digestion: Mixing of food with gastric juice
    • Small intestine
    • Mechanical digestion: Churning and bile action
    • Chemical digestion: Mixing of food with intestinal and pancreatic juices
    • Large intestine
    • Mechanical digestion: —
    • Chemical digestion: —
  • Digestion :
    It is the set of chemical and mechanical transformation that allows the gradual breaking down of complex food into simpler food called nutrients
  • Digestive system 

    --> Digestive tube/tract: where food passes
    • It is the set of organs where the food passes.
    • Mouth -> pharynx -> esophagus -> stomach -> small intestine -> large intestine -> anus
    --> Digestive glands: where food doesn't pass
    • It is an organ which secrets a digestive juices ( that contains enzymes) responsible for the digestion of food.
  • Examples of digestive glands
    • Salivary glands (in the mouth): secrets saliva
    • Gastric glands (in the stomach): secrets gastric juice
    • Intestinal glands (in the small intestine): secrets intestinal juice
    • Pancreas: which secrets pancreatic juice
    • Liver: it is an accessory gland that secrets a juice called bile (doesn't contain enzymes).
  • Role of bile
    responsible for the emulsification (separation) of lipids=fats.